Thursday 5 May 2016

Basic Tips for Indoor Pest Control

Indoor pest control services play a very crucial role when it comes to dealing with embarrassing pests. Imagine sitting around your dining table with visitors having lunch then something produces a buzz sound and it lands on a plate of one of the visitors. 

This can be an annoying housefly, a cockroach or a spider. The scene that unfolds after the insect falls can be very embarrassing such that you might never want to remember it in the future. To avoid such a scene, it is important that you take appropriate measures to control different indoor pests. Our experts share some tips on how to control some indoor pests. 


Flies :

Preventing flies is the best approach to dealing with them. Therefore, make sure that your door and window screens do not have gaps and holes that can let flies in. Ensure that condiments and foods are always covered. You can eliminate flies with some products in the market. Wrap dry organic garbage with old newspapers before placing it in the trash receptacle. This will enable you to avoid attracting the unwanted visitors into your home. Also ensure that trash containers are covered with tight-fitting lids. You can use pine oil to repel flies. To get rid from pest control problems click here : 

Ants :

The best way to control ants is to remove their source. The tooth of ants is sweet. When you remove empty bottles and soda cans and other candy wrappers, you will reduce ants in your home. Pets and children can drip food particles on the ground and these attract ants. Therefore, make sure that your non-carpeted or carpeted floor is vacuumed every day. Also wide the counters because food particles and organic matter that remains in the kitchen attracts ants. If you notice a trail of ants, follow it to find and eliminate the source.

Fleas :

Fleas are some of the pests that can enter your home by attaching themselves to your pets. When one flea hitchhikes on your pet, there could be more in the environment of your pet. This include inside your house. Therefore, instead of simply grabbing a bug spray can, try environmental friendly and safe alternatives. For instance, you can use citrus which has a natural deterrent for fleas. You can pour a cup of hot water over scored, sliced lemon. The skin of the lemon will release citrus oil. Soak the mixture overnight and sponge the mixture on the pet to kill the fleas. 

You can also use a shallow, wide pan with soapy water to trap the fleas. Place your pan somewhere such as on the floor then shine a light over the water. Heat attracts fleas and they will jump and land into the water. Surface tension is broken by detergent making it impossible for fleas to get out of the water. Basically, these are some of the indoor pests that can invade your home. If you do not have the time to control them or for some reasons you cannot control pests in your home, hire a professional indoor pest control service. Contact us to hire the best home pest control service. 

Related Link :
Pest Control